1. 情侣英文名:Zephyr and Aurora 原名:挚告掘爱Sunsgne、执念Sunsgne 改写:Zephyr and Aurora, the eternal love2. 情侣英文名:Remnant and Remnant 原名:左瞳Remnant、右眸Remnant 改写:Echo and Enigma, the left eye and right eye3. 情侣英文名:North Harbor and South Bay 原名:Northharbor北港、SouthBay南湾 改写:North Harbor and South Bay, the northern and southern bays4. 情侣英文名:Princess and Knight 原名:Princess公主、Knight骑士 改写:Princess and Knight, the eternal love story5. 情侣英文名:Flies and Wasted 原名:Flies荏苒、Wasted蹉跎 改写:Fleeting Time and Wasted Moments6. 情侣英文名:Yu Lisu and Yu Hetao 原名:ゆ流苏forget、ゆ褐瞳cutey 改写:Yu Lisu and Yu Hetao, the forgetful and cute couple7. 情侣英文名:Rowdy and Bitch 原名:骚不过money、贱不过biaozi 改写:Rowdy and Bitch, the dynamic duo8. 情侣英文名:Green Lady and Red Gentleman 原名:green♀man、red♂woman 改写:Green Lady and Red Gentleman, the color-coordinated couple9. 情侣英文名:Have You Now and Have You Now 原名:haveyounow陪敬岩伴、haveyounow疼爱 改写:Have You Now, the couple who cherishes the present10. 情侣英文名:Of the Wings and Side Wings原名:ofthewings、sidewings改写:Of the Wings and Side Wings, the couple with angelic presence11. 情侣英文名:Moon and Sun原名:moon(月亮)、sun(太阳)改写:Moon and Sun, the celestial couple12. 情侣英文名:Left Atrium and Right Ventricle原名:l°tatrium左心房、r°ventric右心房改写:Left Atrium and Right Ventricle, the couple with heartfelt love13. 情侣英文名:Jaded and Lonely原名:寂寞。 Ⅱlonely、洫暗。 Ⅱlonely改写:Jaded and Lonely, the couple in the twilight of their emotions14. 情侣英文名:Calmed and Excited原名:小淡定calm、小袜稿核激动calm改写:Calmed and Excited, the couple with contrasting dispositions15. 情侣英文名:Melancholic and Sleepless原名:冷温柔°triste、失眠梦°triste改写:Melancholic and Sleepless, the couple in a labyrinth of emotions16. 情侣英文名:Cute Lady and Tough Gentleman原名:软妹sama、硬汉mam改写:Cute Lady and Tough Gentleman, the unlikely pair17. 情侣英文名:Residual and Enduring原名:余存°dstiny、温存°dstiny改写:Residual and Enduring, the couple with love that lasts through time